Service-learning in multicultural communities

How can we provide students with a learning process that allows for them to understand the local relevancy of learning in a diverse ethno-cultural community, that has aimed at becoming as inclusive as possible?
The approach proposed in the project Inclusion means learning for all is learning based on service-learning projects. This is why teachers from partner schools take part, starting September 2019, in the training program (T5) Learning through community service programs for multicultural communities.

Ten teachers from every partner school have the opportunity to take part in this continuous training program, that takes place over 60 hours, where they will:
- Gain a wider perspective on what inclusion and multicultural communities mean
- Learn to build a community service project alongside their students
- Use methods specific to experiential learning: games, stories, community service
- Use various methods to analyze the learning needs and to identify the interests of the students

In order for what has been learned during the training to be transferred as efficiently as possible in class, teacher benefit from mentorships all throughout the training, that is meant to end by the spring of 2020. The professional development of the teachers will be measured in the degree of relevancy of the service-learning projects that schools with experiment with this year, be it during the week of special activities in the Romanian educational system, or during the rest of the school year, alongside primary and lower secondary school children.

Sediul Central Lupeni
Bv. Păcii, bl. 5, ap. 9 | și în Cluj-Napoca