Inclusion means learning for everyone
We build inclusive schools in rural Transylvania
Working together for an inclusive Europe!
Inclusion means learning for everyone
We build inclusive schools in rural Transylvania
Working together for an inclusive Europe!
The story of Ionuț
Ionuț is a fourth grader at a school in a Transylvanian village, village that he has never left. His parents never got past eighth grade. His mother thinks about what to feed her 4 children every day, while his father tries to finding some work in the village every day.

Ionuț does not make it to school 30 out of the 168 school year days. He rarely feels at ease in class. Whenever he reads out loud in class, his teacher corrects his every other word. He does not enjoy school, and it is unlikely that he will spend more years in school than his parents.

Our aim: inclusive education

Through the “Inclusion means learning for everyone” project, we raise the institutional capacity of 6 rural schools in Transylvania of assuring inclusive education and learning progress for each child.

How do we do that?

All throughout the 2 years of the project, we will support school management, teachers, parents, and students to strengthen participatory leadership, to increase learning relevance, and to create a secure environment, where people from the school community connect and collaborate, to ensure the wellbeing of each child.


We learn alongside teachers, to understand the challenges students face, so that we can provide them with security, empathy, and appropriate learning and development contexts.


Volunteer students and teachers in IMPACT clubs learn about inclusion and they promote it through community service.

Parents and community

We involve parents in the school life so that we can approach the social and educational barriers they are faced with, and which hinder the children’s progress in school.
Who is our target?


From the 6 rural schools learn what it’s like to be an inclusive community


Who follow professional development programs to create and promote inclusive communities


Of 6 Administration Councils of partner schools become inclusion leaders


Who learn to collaborate with the inclusive school and to support their child’s academic success
Partner schools

1. No.1 Middle school, Hotar – Bihor county
2. No.1 Middle school, Dragu – Sălaj county
3. Ioan Alexandru Middle school, Sînpaul – Cluj county
4. Budacu de Sus Middle school – Bistrița-Năsăud county
5. Stephan Ludwig Roth Middle school, Moșna – Sibiu county
6. Alțîna Middle school – Sibiu county

Project impact


Lowers the discrimination rate perceived by the students by 15%


90% of the teachers feel better prepared to offer an inclusive education


90% satisfaction rate for children involved in awareness activities regarding inclusion

Intended results:


Students involved

Increased attendance


Children learn and enjoy school more


Prepared students, with life abilities appropriate for the labor market (motivation, contribution, employability)


Children’s learning progresses


Experiential teachers

With an increased ability to facilitate the relevant learning process for students


With better relations with students and community partners


Who better collaborate among themselves to make school more interesting and more inclusive


Connected schools

Parents and grandparents come to school more often to contribute to the children’s education


Reduced school dropout rates


Organizational culture in the school encourages everyone’s participation

Rezultate urmărite:


Students involved

Increased attendance


Children learn and enjoy school more


Prepared students, with life abilities appropriate for the labor market (motivation, contribution, employability)


Children’s learning progresses


Experiential teachers

With an increased ability to facilitate the relevant learning process for students


With better relations with students and community partners


Who better collaborate among themselves to make school more interesting and more inclusive


Connected schools

Parents and grandparents come to school more often to contribute to the children’s education


Reduced school dropout rates


Organizational culture in the school encourages everyone’s participation

Material made with the financial support of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021. Its content (text, image, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, of the National Focal Point (the Ministry of European Funds) or of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author/s.

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