Ionuț does not make it to school 30 out of the 168 school year days. He rarely feels at ease in class. Whenever he reads out loud in class, his teacher corrects his every other word. He does not enjoy school, and it is unlikely that he will spend more years in school than his parents.
Our aim: inclusive education
How do we do that?
Parents and community
1. No.1 Middle school, Hotar – Bihor county
2. No.1 Middle school, Dragu – Sălaj county
3. Ioan Alexandru Middle school, Sînpaul – Cluj county
4. Budacu de Sus Middle school – Bistrița-Năsăud county
5. Stephan Ludwig Roth Middle school, Moșna – Sibiu county
6. Alțîna Middle school – Sibiu county
Lowers the discrimination rate perceived by the students by 15%
90% of the teachers feel better prepared to offer an inclusive education
90% satisfaction rate for children involved in awareness activities regarding inclusion
Increased attendance
Children learn and enjoy school more
Prepared students, with life abilities appropriate for the labor market (motivation, contribution, employability)
Children’s learning progresses
With an increased ability to facilitate the relevant learning process for students
With better relations with students and community partners
Who better collaborate among themselves to make school more interesting and more inclusive
Parents and grandparents come to school more often to contribute to the children’s education
Reduced school dropout rates
Organizational culture in the school encourages everyone’s participation
Rezultate urmărite:
Increased attendance
Children learn and enjoy school more
Prepared students, with life abilities appropriate for the labor market (motivation, contribution, employability)
Children’s learning progresses
With an increased ability to facilitate the relevant learning process for students
With better relations with students and community partners
Who better collaborate among themselves to make school more interesting and more inclusive
Parents and grandparents come to school more often to contribute to the children’s education
Reduced school dropout rates
Organizational culture in the school encourages everyone’s participation
Lupeni Headquarters
Bv. Păcii, bl. 5, ap. 9 | și în Cluj-Napoca