
Six rural schools in Transylvania build inclusive communities
Partner Schools

1. No.1 Middle school, Hotar – Bihor county
2. No.1 Middle school, Dragu – Sălaj county
3. Ioan Alexandru Middle school, Sînpaul –Cluj county
4. Budacu de Sus Middle school – Bistrița-Năsăud county
5. Stephan Ludwig Roth Middle school, Moșna – Sibiu county
6. Alțîna Middle school – Sibiu county

1. No.1 Middle school, Hotar
No.1 Middle school of Hotar is a legal entity, composed of 5 kindergartens, 1 primary school and 2 middle schools, educating a total of 412 students. Our primary school only has mixed-grade classes. Our school is 15km from the closest town with a high-school, a possibility for our students to continue studying after middle school. Our commune is situated in the plains of the south-east of Bihor county, 35km away from the main county town. 25% of locals are farmers, about 15% have their own businesses and some employees from the village, 10% are on welfare, 20% are employed, and the rest are unemployed. 70% of our students are Roma, while the rest are Romanian and Hungarian. Families have a medium income, so they have little to no possibilities to help the school or the students.

Our community accepts diversity in all its forms, so we do not have conflicts. For the moment, our biggest challenge is the lack of professional training, personal development, and non-formal education of our teachers. The latter develops their originality, creativity, transdisciplinary and interdisciplinary practices, and their use of technologies in the teaching process. However, teachers do collaborate for activities in the school, or with other schools in the area. As of late, with the help of social media, some teachers partner up with other schools in the country, they take part in regional and national competitions with their students, and they win various diplomas (by sending the students’ papers through mail). We are just at the beginning of our efforts, motivated by students and by our didactic calling, willing to make a change for our school, for our students, and for ourselves, in our pursuit of much wanted performances. We believe we can keep up with the technological developments that our students know so well, so that we can make school a more appealing place for all, including those who show little interest for education to this day.

2. No.1 Middle school, Dragu

No.1 Middle school, Dragu is part of the administrative territorial unit of the Dragu commune, composed of the following villages: Dragu (administrative center), Voivodeni, Adalin, Ugruţiu şi Fîntînele.
Our Vision
School is the path to knowledge and harmonious development of every child, who needs an education and social integration, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sex.
Our Mission
Our school owns, through its existence, its role as community initiator, supporter, and catalyst. This is achieved through educational activities in an inclusive school aimed at all preschool and school children. Our purpose is to offer each child a chance to a modern, efficient, and qualitative education, while safekeeping our local traditions: customs, crafts, culture, sports (Oina, a traditional Romanian sport), and religion. We also propose activities meant to prompt community integration and to stimulate the chance of further professional training, considering the challenges of the modern world.

3. Ioan Alexandru Middle school, Sînpaul

Sînpaul commune is 25km from Cluj-Napoca, at the border with Sălaj county, and we practice hillside agriculture. 55% of locals are farmers, 5% are employed at various firms, 36% are retired, 1% have disabilities, and 3% are out of the country. People are usually healthy, there are however some problems with rheumatic and heart diseases, especially for senior citizens. Our commune is a small economic power, with some stores, some bars, an oil press, 3 farms and a golf course. Villagers are preoccupied with ensuring an income and a standard of living, cultivating the land and gathering medicinal plants, snails, mushrooms, flowers, etc. An issue in the community is the lack of jobs, as some new firms would be necessary to ensure them.

We collaborate with World Vision Foundation and New Horizons Foundation, as European funding obtained through projects is extremely important for us. At every meeting, school management tries to learn the problems of the community, in an understanding, tolerant and reciprocally supportive relationship. The school offers meeting spaces to the community, for events organized by the town hall, local council, and citizens. Sînpaul School requires foreign funds through project writing, in order to solve communal problems. We could also benefit from the building of a sports center, a gym, a playground at the kindergarten, some auxiliary spaces and a school attic. We need a Communal Cultural Centre, where members of the community can meet, to better understand the importance of the school, to underline and uphold local traditions, and to spend free time. Our vision: “We educate today for tomorrow’s society”. “Ioan Alexandru” Middle school Sînpaul gives each student the chance to further their native qualities and to shape their personality, under the guidance of teachers devoted to the educational act.

Our mission: “Efficiency – Quality – Professionalism”

“Ioan Alexandru” Middle school Sînpaul is a resource and education center aimed at the community, in the context of the inclusive European space that Romania belongs to, where our students will evolve. Therefore, we focus on helping students discover their potential, that they can competently, creatively, and flexibly use, in order to adapt to the requirements of a dynamic, ever-changing society.

Core values of the school
Professional competency – an understanding of the field of education, openness towards continuous learning and development, quality assurance, and a pursue of excellency.
Responsibility – law upholding, problem handling, and a responsible ownership of our activities and their consequences.
Efficient communication – optimal communication of useful information.
Dignity – respect and consideration towards students, parents, teachers, and staff.
Integrity – fairness and honesty towards the beneficiaries of education.

4. Budacu de Sus Middle school

Budacu de Sus Middle school is situated in the rural area of Bistrița-Năsăud county. It is a traditional educational establishment, with a legal personality and several subordinate structures: Dumitrița Middle school, Ragla Kindergarten, No.1 Full time Day-Care of Budacu de Sus, No.2 Full time Day-Care of Budacu de Sus. We have 6 groups of 111 pre-school students, 164 students in elementary school, 22 of whom have special needs, and 149 students go to our middle school, 34 of whom have special needs. 37 teachers activate in the school. Budacu de Sus Middle school is often involved in extracurricular projects and activities, many of which focus on promoting intercultural practices, cooperation, and self-esteem development. Dumitrița Middle school was even involved in Erasmus projects, with exchange students from partner schools. Furthermore, local authorities collaborate with us on a series of prevention and awareness activities, such as:
1. Local police: road accident prevention campaigns and school drop-out prevention campaigns
2. Dumitrița town hall: facilitating charitable shows or various projects implemented by IMPACT Club members, who needed approvals – campaigns on the street, building the recreation and free time park on the school premises.
3. The Budac-Ragla Frontier Guard Descendants Association (Asociația Urmașilor Grănicerilor Budac-Ragla) who give prizes to students every Christmas and at the end of every school year.

Our dream is to achieve a unified community, where we cooperate efficiently with other teachers as well as with parents, to the benefit of students. We wish to contribute to their development as responsible young people and adults, who know their rights and their duties, who always strive to better themselves, as well as their community.

5. Stephan Ludwig Roth Middle school, Moșna

Our school has activated next to the Evangelic Fortified Church for over a century, as a “friendly school, open to all”. We teach our students “not only to dream about the stars, but how to reach them as well”. The school carries the name of Stephan Ludwig Roth, priest and teacher of Moșna, fighter for “equal justice for all nations”. The school of Moșna gives each child an equal chance to education, in an environment favorable to learning, through modern methods and tools, in a student-centered approach, that facilitates social and professional integration in the new context of European integration.
The school has taken part in various competitions and projects. One of them is “A friendly school, open to all”, that has helped improve the activity of the after school day-care, helping the community in the process. Another one is the “Second chance” program, that brings those who never graduated 10 grades back to school. We should also mention the Documentation and Information Centre, opened in 2001, which was at the time a bridge to the western world. In this welcoming space, students were guided to look for the necessary information for essays and portfolios on their own.

One challenge was that of the low attendance of Roma children. Alongside the school mediator and the class master, we managed to better collaborate with their parents and to help them become aware of the importance of school in their children’s becoming. We managed to bring them back to school and to lower the number of unexplained absences. We cultivated the idea that, regardless of their future activity, children need an education, they need school.

What are our dreams? We dream about better results, and we wish for as many children as possible to take their national evaluation exams. We also wish to bring back our vocational school, to prepare students for professions that are necessary in the community. We wish to have a psychologist and a security guard, who can help us in the educational process.

6. Alțîna Middle school – Sibiu county

“Aviator Ioan Sava” Middle School, from Alțîna (Sibiu county) serves a multi-ethnic community – Romanians, Transylvanian Saxons, and members of the Roma community. The 286 students participate in three educational stages (preschool, elementary school and middle school), with German as a medium of education for a class composed of 8 students. The closest town where students can continue their learning after finishing middle school is Sibiu, 35 km away.

Our school serves the community, working as a fair and efficient structure for all children, ensuring progress for all students, so that “tomorrow will be better than today”. We build their future through love, respect, and responsibility, so that they become willing to learn all throughout their life.

We wish that all of our students build and permanently improve the key competences necessary to continue their education up to higher education and in daily life.

We also wish that every student acquires autonomous learning and inner motivation, learning skills necessary all throughout life, based on the ability to use a computer and information and communication technology.

The school aims to become an ordered micro-community, where students build and practice the authentic beliefs and behaviors of a good citizen, an inclusive school that gives equal opportunities and support for the personal development of each student, including those from vulnerable environments and those with special educational needs.

We wish to instill voluntary beliefs and behaviors in our students, so that they get involves in solving community problems.

Our school vision is: “We are a family! Together we build, we learn, we innovate, we keep traditions! We are an open school, for the community! We prepare future graduates to integrate in a changing society.”

How do we make schools more inclusive?

1. Teacher training

Classes for the Administration Council


Classes for Learning through multicultural community service


Safety Circle Class


We Read Together Class

2. Extracurricular activities for students



Life Camp

3. Activities for parents

Empowerment, active involvement (including in decision making), and increased inclusion classes for parents


We Read Together Class


Safety Circle Class

Material made with the financial support of the EEA Financial Mechanism 2014 – 2021. Its content (text, image, video) does not reflect the official opinion of the Program Operator, of the National Focal Point (the Ministry of European Funds) or of the EEA Grants Financial Mechanism Office. The information and opinions expressed are the sole responsibility of the author/s.

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